Membership Information
Any person interested in art is eligible for membership in the Parkland Art League. In - person meetings normally take place at St. Anne's Episcopal Church, 6667 Lower Macungie Rd., Trexlertown, PA 18087 September through May with a social event/paint out in June. There are opportunities to socialize with members at our in person meetings and also at monthly artist receptions at our display venue at Stony Run Winery each month, check the website for date and time.
Please check our website to determine if our monthly meeting will be "In Person" or "Virtual" Guests are welcome to come to all meetings. Meetings are typically held on the second Tuesday of the month January through June, and September through November. There may be a conflict in the schedule to to church events or voting in which case the meetings will be rescheduled. In person meetings start at 7 pm.
Meetings usually have a short 25 minute business portion that includes announcements of interest to members followed by a demonstration by an accomplished Artist in their preferred medium. Members also have the opportunity to share their ideas, awards or events with others at this time as well.
There is a lending library of instructional DVDs that are available for loan at the meetings. Members usually donate $5 to use the DVD. Two dollars are returned to the member when the video is returned. The funds are then used to purchase additional DVDs for the Library. Members can contact the Coordinator ( currently Julie Wehr) via a button on the library page to arrange for pick and delivery of DVDs . Members can submit requests for new instructional DVD's to the coordinator.
Members have the opportunity to sign up to exhibit their work at several display venues which are posted on the home page. Construction has limited some display venues but the coordinators are regularly in contact with the operators so that we may resume exhibiting art when it is agreeable to do so. Postings for artists needed to display work are found under the "Display Venue Information" page on the website . There is a schedule with open dates in red and a button for you to email the coordinator for the site your interested in with a request to display your work. The club provides insurance coverage for artwork at our venues with a $500 deductible in the event of a catastrophe. There is a 10% commission on all works sold on the website or at display venues* to defray costs associated with insurance and the website. * At Stony Run venue the commission is 20% with 15% going to the club and 5% to the venue.
Members can also participate in member only exhibitions as well as juried shows throughout the year. Upcoming events in 2024 include an All Member Exhibition and "Small Works Show"at Stony Run Winery located at 150 Independent Rd., Breinigsville check website for dates when announced. Also our 7th annual all member show, juried for prizes in December through January at Laura's Custom Framing and Fine Art shop located at 1328 Chestnut St. , Emmaus, PA .
Membership Dues are $30.00 per member per calendar year. $45.00 for two members in the same household each calendar year. Membership dues paid are for the current calendar year
( January 1 through December 31). Dues must be current for members to participate in all shows and exhibits. The Executive Committee reserves the right to extend memberships in some circumstances.
Newsletters are emailed to members monthly January - June and September through November. Emails also are sent for announcements regarding events and show reminders.
Members have the opportunity to display and sell artwork on our website. If you want your work displayed in a member gallery that will allow the public to look at your work and be provided a link to your website please contact Deb Haaf using the button below to email images with a description of your piece (s) and a link to your website. If your work is not for sale but you would like it shown in the members gallery use the same button but identify the work as "NFS" ( not for sale). A 10% commission is requested from the Parkland Art League for works sold on the website to offset website expenses.
We will also post links to your website if you provide us with that information.

Highlights of 2022's demonstrator artwork
Dorian Vallejo Demo 4/22
Renee Leopardi Demo 3/22
Current as of 2/01/24